Visiting a massage therapist or a massage salon is meant to be a pleasing and relaxing experience. It is a small everyday luxury that contributes to better health, a relaxed mind, a balanced body, happy thoughts. However, for many people who are not visiting a massage therapist that often, going to the massage studio is rather overwhelming and even confusing experience. You may be wondering what is the appropriate massage therapist etiquette and what to do and not do in order to have an enjoyable and hassle-free massage experience. To make things easier for you, today we have gathered a few frequently asked massage questions and will provide you with the right answers.

Do I Tip?

Now, having a massage is not like going to the restaurant for dinner and we understand if you wonder whether you should tip your massage therapist/salon or not. In fact, there are no definite rules on whether you should tip or not in this case and how much you should tip. Just like it is with any other type of service if you are pleased with the service and with the person providing it to you, feel free to leave a tip. However, keep in mind that some spa and massage studios have no-tipping policies, therefore it will be helpful to ask first.

How Clean Should I Be?

Now, some people may feel stressed and overwhelmed by the idea of being touched by the massage professional but not feeling clean enough. When it comes to visiting a massage therapist, it is all about common sense. No one will tell you to leave the studio just because you have not showered the last couple of days. However, would you feel great in such a situation? Showering the day you have your massage appointment booked is preferable. It will not only be more comfortable for you and the massage therapist, but it will also be more beneficial because clean skin absorbs all oils, lotions, and other great products used during the massage session better.

Should I Shave Beforehand?

Just like in the situation with showering, you may also be interested if you should shave your legs and other parts of the body you usually shave in order to prepare for the massage. In fact, the truth is that not being shaved is absolutely fine for the massage therapist. In fact, not having your legs shaved will not affect the quality of the service, so it is all up to you and how you feel comfortable.

What Information to Share with the Massage Therapist?

Well, your massage therapist is not like your private medical care provider, however, they are still a professional delivering a service that is dedicated to improving your health and well-being. Therefore, you may want to share a bit of information with your massage therapist, but make sure you are sharing only what is applicable.

Should I Be Totally Naked?

This one is probably one of the main concerns of many people when they are visiting a massage or a spa studio. In fact, this is an area, where your massage therapist should leave the lead in your hands and it is entirely your decision. You can undress to your comfort level. However, keep in mind that some types of massage will require certain parts of your body to be undressed for better effect. Especially when it comes to massages dedicated to helping for pain and similar health conditions.

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